Dear colleagues,
Citizens often ask themselves ‘What does Europe do for me’? Today, I launched a ground-breaking, new multi-lingual, interactive website to help us all to answer that question. It offers hundreds of easy-to-read, one-page notes, giving examples of the positive difference that the EU makes to people’s lives. Each user can easily find specific information about what Europe does for their region, their profession or their favourite pastime.
The notes are available to read, share or reuse. They exist both as online pages and as PDF files.
You can access the new website – called – on your computer or mobile device at any time, inside or outside the EP’s premises.
‘In my region’ – 1400 notes on EU regions and cities
How is Europe present in our towns, cities and regions? How has the EU provided support in any particular area? This section of the website covers over 1400 towns, cities and regions throughout all parts of the European Union.
Each note provides a brief snapshot of some of the many EU projects and actions in places where people live, work or spend their free time. Users can select an area on an interactive map and look at what Europe does in that specific locality. And there are useful links to further sources of information.
‘In my life’ – 400 notes on citizens and social groups
How does Europe affect citizens’ everyday lives? How does it impact our jobs, our families, our healthcare, our hobbies, our travel, our security, our consumer choices and our social rights?
This section of the website provides practical examples of the role which the EU plays in different areas of citizens’ lives. There are useful links to further sources of information and you can also listen to a series of podcasts in a growing number of languages on these themes.
EU policies ‘In focus’
A third section of the website will present a series of 24 longer briefing papers exploring some of the EU policy achievements in the current parliamentary term and the outlook for the future, with a specific focus on public opinion and citizens’ concerns and expectations of EU action. Altogether, the ‘What Europe does for me’ website looks at the EU from the perspective of the individual citizen. It is designed to help him or her find out more about things which may be interesting or important about the EU in one’s daily life.
This website came into being thanks to the hard work of several European Parliament teams and I am particularly grateful to the outstanding effort of our colleagues in the following DGs:
EPRS, Translation and Communication.
What Europe does for me is a living project that will be updated regularly and I am confident that it will be an important tool in helping to bring Europe closer to its citizens.
With kind regards,
Antonio Tajani
President of the European Parliament