
Former California governor urges Trump to join in efforts to promote green energy

Kostis Geropoulos - Energy & Russian Affairs Editor, New Europe

European Commission’s Vice-President for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič joined forces at the R20 Austrian World Summit in Vienna with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor-turned-former-California governor, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and politician Elisabeth Köstinger to discuss leading the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.

“We all know the direction in which we need to go. There’s no time to waste! Climate Action,” Šefčovič wrote in a tweet. “The best fuel for this unprecedented clean energy transition in Europe is strong public support,” he said while calling for the implementation of Climate Action around the world.

Meanwhile, speaking in Vienna, Schwarzenegger urged US President Donald J. Trump to join in efforts to promote green energy. “Those of you who resist because you can’t imagine success without fossil fuels: we ask you to join us. Everyone. Also you, President Trump: Join us,” AP quoted Schwarzenegger as saying.

The Hollywood star previously condemned Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. “You said … you want to have so many victories that the American people will get sick and tired of winning. Well, if that’s really what you want then join us because then you will have a lot of victories,” the news agency quoted Schwarzenegger as saying.

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